Are You Ready to Harness the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Quickly, Naturally & Permanently Experience the Results You Want?

Click on this video to find out how you can rapidly, naturally overcome issues with the power of your subconscious mind.


Are you looking for a rapid, effective way to optimize your performance in life and career? Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is a treatment method combining the most powerful principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, CBT and Neuroscience. RTT® is highly effective because it works with your subconscious mind, which is responsible for ~90% of your actions. RTT® is a hack that leaders around the world are turning to to recode old beliefs, wire in high-performing habits and achieve long-lasting results.


Hear from Client who Overcomes Childhood Trauma with 2 Sessions after >40 years!

Roni experienced childhood trauma & struggled into her 40s.

She tried many methods of therapy from CBT to counselling for years. 

We had 2 Hypnotherapy/Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions and her life changed radically.

In her own words: “It’s never ever too late. I never knew that there could be this level of joy, love and happiness.” - Roni

About LynnC.Cox

I’m Lynn C. Cox, certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Calgary’s Premiere Rapid Transformational Therapist® & RTT® instructor. My 20-year career in public relations and communications gives me invaluable insight into the needs of professionals & organizations. I work with individuals and groups to drive optimization in performance, health and mental health.

“I am positive anxiety will no longer have its hold on me. I am so grateful for RTT® and Lynn!”
— K.C., Entrepreuner

Corporate & Individual services available

I work with individual clients to overcome personal issues standing in the way from them optimizing their lives, and within corporate environments to help build more resilient, high-performing teams and leaders.

please fill in the form below to schedule a free 30-minute strategy call for yourself or your organization.

Read more testimonials here.